Oleh: Rosie Haslinda Nasir

Sumber foto: Instagram @officialmizznina

PADA 10 Julai yang lalu, rancangan temu bual ‘The Mizz Nina Show’ telah ditayangkan di Astro Oasis saluran 106 dan Astro MAYA HD saluran 135. Episod tersebut boleh dikatakan amat istimewa kerana Mizz Nina diberi tanggungjawab untuk menemu bual ayahandanya sendiri, menggali kisah-kisah silam ayahandanya yang boleh dijadikan sumber inspirasi.

Catatan Istimewa Mizz Nina Buat Daddy

“To the most important man in my life (apart from hubby) someone who taught me to always believe in myself, to be the best I can be at whatever I chose to be, to always stay humble, honest and respect all of humanity. Happy 78th birthday dad, love u too bits!! ❤️ May Allah continue to always bless you with many more years of good health, baraqah, wellness, peace and closeness to Allah, ameen…”

Sumber foto: Instagram @officialmizznina

Sepintas Lalu Sejarah Hidup Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim, Ayahanda Mizz Nina

Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim merupakan figura koporat yang sangat berpengaruh dan disegani bukan sahaja di Malaysia, malah merentas horizon Asia. Terlalu banyak anugerah yang telah diraihnya, antaranya pada tahun 1993, ASEAN Business Forum mengangkatnya sebagai penerima anugerah “ASEAN Businessman of The Year”.

Pada tahun 1995 pula, Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim diberikan penghargaan sebagai penyandang anugerah “Manager of The Year” dari Harvard Business School Alumni Club of Malaysia. Kebijakan Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim sebagai pakar pengurusan kewangan dan tokoh sektor korporat Malaysia akan sentiasa dikenang walaupun dia tidak lagi muncul sekerap dulu di kaca televisyen dan dada akhbar arus perdana.

Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim berjodoh dengan Tunku Arishah Tunku Maamor, dikurniakan dua anak lelaki dan tiga anak perempuan. Salah seorang anak perempuannya adalah Mizz Nina, selebriti dan kini menjadi ikon hijabi Malaysia yang giat melaksanakan kerja-kerja amal bersama sahabat-sahabat sealiran.

The first interview I've ever done with my dad, I was super nervous and at the same time grateful to have him in the show. Don't miss it tomorrow! ❤️ Alhamdulilah #Repost @themizzninashow ・・・ Coming up on #TheMizzNinaShow and for the first time ever, we have a father-daughter interview between @officialmizznina and Tan Sri Azman Hashim! Make sure you catch it on Astro Oasis and Maya HD on Monday at 11PM because Tan Sri will be sharing his personal stories like this one here, on his experience on the first night of being a student abroad. . . . . #themizzninashow #faith #life #inspire #islamic #talkshow #lifestyle #inspiration #mizznina #tansriazmanhashim #student #abroad #personal #stories #blanket

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Pengakuan Mizz Nina:

“The first interview I've ever done with my dad, I was super nervous and at the same time grateful to have him in the show. Don't miss it tomorrow! ❤️ Alhamdulilah…”

Sumber foto: Instagram @officialmizznina

Apa Komen Netizen?

Kata @intanaznitaI:

“Love the last segment with your dad. He always is and be my inspiration, so do you…” ?

Kata @ayubismin:

“Thank you @officialmizznina for bringing in your Dad. He is such an inspiration. Thank you so much TSAH for your time and all the magical words!!!”

Kata @rbostamam6536:

“Great show Mizznina… and how great when your dad said you will bring him to jannah with your good deeds… macam tumpang samalah…”

Kata @nnisa.kader:

“That was beautiful and inspiring. Great show @officialmizznina ? Blessings to you…” ?

Kata @che_asiah:

“I am glad I got to watch the Show tonight. Your dad is very inspiring. Talked about integrity and respect. And how important to excel in everything you do. Well done and May God Bless you @officialmizznina and family.”

Kata @hafidzahlatiff:

“Masya-Allah @officialmizznina! Tonight was the best show especially with Tan Sri. Congrats and keep it up. Great advice from a banker.”

Kata @shikhinishak:

“Masya-Allah bestnya episod malam ni. Keep it up!”

Kata @sharinanadia:

“Wow!! I am really impressed. What a great and positive mind set your dad is… and you too Nina!!”