It has only been less than a month since Prince's death, but it has been reported that an estimated 700 people are already claiming to be his half-sibling to have a stake in his inheritance. The iconic singer did not leave a known will behind.
An official, who is running the search for his relatives told Daily Mail,"They run the gamut, literally from 'We lived in the same area so we must be related', to 'We have pictures of Prince at our family reunion.'"

Tyka Nelson is Prince's only full sibling who is still alive (Image:

Prince has one full-sister, Tyka Nelson, and five known half-siblings. He has no children and his parents are both dead. His estate is estimated to be worth USD$300 million (RM1.2 billion) but it is assumed that the price could increase.
A glimpse of Prince's mansion at Paisley Park (Image:

With that amount of money at stake, we're not surprised that so many people want a piece of it!