After 19 Years, Avril Lavigne Recreates Her ‘Sk8er Boi’ Music Video With A Skater Boy – Tony Hawk
If you don’t know who Avril Lavigne is, you’re probably too young to read this article.
The iconic punk rock queen of the 2000s left a lasting impact on us growing up throughout our teenage or tween years.
In 2002, the Canadian dropped ‘Sk8er Boi’, which became an anthem for all skater boys and girls.
19 years later…
The song remains a bop even to this date, and to announce her arrival on TikTok, Avril decided to drop a mini remake of ‘Sk8er Boi’ with a special guest.@avrillavigne He was a… @tonyhawk #GoSkateboarding #sk8rboi♬ Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne
The clip featured legendary skater boy (or man, in this case) – Tony Hawk.
Her first TikTok, coincidentally released on the official Go Skateboarding Day, went viral, fetching close to 18 million views and over four million likes to datte.
Fans were not only excited over the pair’s collaboration, they were also impressed that the 36-year-looked like she didn’t age a day since 2002.
Over on Twitter, Hawk jokingly said, “I was a skater man, she said, “see you later man”, mimicking the original lyrics to the song.I was a skater man,she said “see you later, man” https://t.co/zDfSfLR6pa— Tony Hawk (@tonyhawk) June 22, 2021
Several fans also requested to see a full-length ‘Sk8er Boi’ remake from both the singer and skateboarder, and we can’t help but agree too.
Maybe it’s time to start a petition? We want more music video remakes, Avril!
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