
Black Widow, Captain Marvel Wore The Infinity Stones To The 'Avengers' Premiere – Is This A Hint?

Iylia Adreena
03:49 MYT
Today’s the day, folks! The long-anticipated ‘Avengers: Endgame’ finally premieres on our shores.
At this very moment, some of you may have finished watching ‘Endgame’, thanks to the super-early screenings (read: 7am) while the rest are waiting anxiously for their showtime (including us).
In the US, meanwhile, the cast of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ walked the purple carpet one day ahead of the worldwide premiere.
@brielarson Instagram and Amy Sussman/Getty Images via Access Online Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans stole the show as usual, but what caught everyone’s attention during the Hollywood premiere were Brie Larson and Scarlett Johansson’s hands.
Both of them were seen sporting all six Infinity Stones, but in a more fashionable way (sorry Thanos, your Gauntlet is so last season).
Captain Marvel sported rings of various colours on all of her fingers and a chunky bracelet with a huge stone, while Black Widow sported something similar but instead of a huge bracelet, her stone was on top of her hand which connected to her rings with chains.
Ok we don't mind wearing this type of gauntlet with infinity stones. We love how they decided to pay homage to Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet we saw in the last ‘Avengers’ movie, and that brings us to the question: could this be a hint of how the 'Avengers' are going to defeat the Mad Titan?
Will Natasha Romanoff and Captain Carol Danvers play a huge part in the movie in getting the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos?
Sorry Thanos, your gauntlet will has some stiff competition. Well, no one knows for sure, but we’ll find out really soon.
In the meantime, let’s read how fans reacted to both Larson and Johansson's fashion on the purple carpet: 'Avengers: Endgame' premieres in cinemas nationwide on 24 April 2019.
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