If you’ve watched 'Avengers: Infinity War', you’d agree that the movie is arguably the most epic superhero crossover in cinematic history.

The magnitude of the movie itself is so great, we watched it three times!

Now, post-'Avengers', comes another anti-superhero movie in the Marvel universe: 'Deadpool 2'. The movie starring Ryan Reynolds is a critical hit among fans and critics, leaving us wanting more of this sassy, potty mouth.

Well, it looks like fans will be getting more than what they bargained for as another crossover is potentially happening involving our beloved anti-hero in tight red suit.

Even Deadpool is gasping at the possibility of this crossover.
A 'Deadpool' and our favourite galaxy defenders, the Guardians of The Galaxy (GOTG), may unite for a crossover movie after Reynolds suggested the possibility to 'GOTG' writer and director James Gunn.

Gunn had tweeted he finally saw 'Deadpool 2' and he loved the movie to which Reynolds replied “Thank you James! Crossover?”

Gunn’s response, to which he said “Yes please”, probably set the hearts of Marvel fans on fire and also gave them a ray of hope.
Although both 'Deadpool' and 'GOTG' are under the same parent company, their universe do not coincide with each other despite the jabs that Deadpool had taken at other Marvel characters in 'Avengers' such as Spiderman and Thanos.

Only time will tell if they’ll ever cross each other’s paths.

Can you just imagine how funny it’ll be if Drax and Deadpool talk to each other?

Please let it happen, Marvel.