
Get Ready, ‘Avengers 4’ Will Be Marvel’s Longest Movie Ever

Iylia Adreena
05:12 MYT
Are you guys still not over the emotional impact that Avengers: Infinity War left us?
If you’re still ‘mourning’, fret not, we understand because it took us some time too to digest whatever transpired in Marvel’s most epic superhero movie to date.
Infinity War is by far the longest Marvel movie to date, clocking in at 2 hours and 40 minutes. Well with that amount of superhero and heartbreaking stuff going on in the film, 160 minutes doesn’t seem like that long.
We couldn't move on from this movie that we watched it three times. And if you’re counting the days until the fourth installment of The Avengers comes out, we have some lengthy news to share with you.
Co-director Joe Russo shared during a livestream Q&A that the next Avengers will be three hours long. Yes, you read that right.
Those three hours will hopefully address all of our burning questions in Infinity War and maybe introduce us to new characters in the Avengers universe (read: Captain Marvel).
We are, Star Lord! Let’s just hope it won’t be as draggy as Lord of The Rings: Return of The King which had a screen time of 200 minutes excluding credits. It felt like the movie went on forever.
The long-anticipated multi-universe superhero movie is currently halfway through post-production and is expected to land in cinemas on 3 May 2019.
No news yet on what the title of the next Avengers will be named but it has been recently revealed that 13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford who played Hannah Baker will be starring in the movie.
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