While many of us shared a black square with the hashtag #BlackOutTuesday, which unfortunately ended up drowning out the voices of African-Americans fighting for their rights, K-Pop fans decided to use the social media to drown out the voices of white supremacists instead.

Do not mess with K-pop fans.
And it is pretty brilliant, if you ask us.

'Appreciate my artist'

We are not quite sure who started the trend or how it got started, but the trend has now blown up on several social media sites.

When you search for the #WhiteLivesMatter hashtag on Twitter and Instagram, you'll be bombarded with pictures, videos and memes featuring popular Korean artists.

The captions are often hilariously on point with the posts often taunting the racists and the misguided.

"Not on my watch" seems to be the message the K-Pop fans are sending to those trying to hijack the very important fight the African-Americans are fighting at the moment.

The #WhiteLivesMatter hashtag has been used by racists in response to the current #BlackLivesMatter movement, but we are actually glad that the K-Pop fandom -- which happens to be one of the strongest and most vocal fandoms out there -- are helping out with those fighting the important fight.

Even non K-pop fans are joining the 'fun'

The idea is so brilliant, even non K-Pop fans have jumped on the bandwagon:

Initially, only the #WhiteLivesMatter hashtag was hijacked, but some have decided to share their love for K-Pop with the hashtags #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter as well.

The #BlueLivesMatter tag often used to support police officers in the United States and criticising the 'Black Lives Matter' movement.

We're not sure which genius started this whole thing, but our respect goes out to you!

This is definitely one hell of a way to show support towards the fight while still allowing the voices of those oppressed to be heard first and foremost.

In case you've been living under a rock and missed what's been happening in the world, for the past week or so, the African-Americans and those supporting their cause have been marching the streets in their country to protest police brutality against the community and human rights.

It's an ongoing fight that has received support internationally, and we hope that those seeking justice would get it.