
Man Beaten Up Outside Hong Kong Cinema For Spoiling 'Avengers: Endgame'

Nicholas Chow
04:11 MYT
Let this be a reminder to you guys that spoiling a movie or an episode of a TV show can turn out to be a really bad idea.
And for this one man in Hong Kong, it was one very, very painful idea.
Loose recreation of what happened. According Asia One, frustrated cinemagoers reportedly beat up a man after he allegedly spilled out spoilers after watching 'Avengers: Endgame'.
The incident reportedly took place outisde a cinema in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Not so fun now, huh? The website quoted a Taiwanese report, which claimed that the man started revealing spoilers loudly by the entrance after he came out from the cinema.
Cinemagoers who were queuing up outside got so angry, they reportedly beat him up to teach him a lesson.
A picture of the incident -- purportedly showing the man wearing a white T-shirt sitting on a blood-splattered floor -- has been widely circulated on social media over the weekend.
The photo that's been circulating. The highly-anticipated superhero movie, the culmination of 11 years and 21 films, was released on 24 April in most Asian countries, so we were lucky enough to be one of the first few in the world to watch it.
So, now you see the importance of why people, even the Russo Brothers themselves, have pleaded against spoiling the movie for those who are not privileged enough to catch it on the first day. Don't spoil movies or TV shows for anyone, yeah?
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