One of the world's most popular anime and manga series has opened a theme park in Japan.

The ninja-themed 'Naruto' is part of the new exhibits at the Nijigen no Mori theme park located in Awaji, Hyojo Prefecture.

The theme park is also known as the Naruto & Boruto Shinobi-Zato (Naruto & Boruto Ninja Village) because it is based on the story's spin-off sequel, 'Boruto'.

We can hear the 'Naruto' fans screaming already.

Visitors and fans alike will experience the famous anime in all its glory with the various attractions. Here, you will feel like you stepped into Naruto's world.

Some of the recreations include the Hokage Rock and life-sized models of the characters.

No matter your age, there is a myriad of experiences for everyone, including a three-storey maze that has quizzes and goals to complete, and an augmented reality (AR) booth where you can take photos or videos that make you look like you're a ninja yourself.

While the theme park also features exhibits from other manga like 'Phoenix' and 'Crayon Shin-chan', 'Naruto' was included as the newest addition to attract more tourists since it is well-known internationally.

Fly away!
The entry fees are as follows:
Time to plan your next trip, Naruto fans!