
New Malaysian Movie Imaginur Reimagines Local Cinema Storytelling With a Thought-Provoking Approach

Shazwan Zulkiffli
04:43 MYT

Frankly, when the first Imaginur trailer came out, everyone kept muttering the same thing; ‘Eternal Sunshine! Eternal Sunshine! Macam Eternal Sunshine!’. Yes, the 2004 cult film starring Jim Carey and Kate Winslet is a classic tearjerker for movie viewers. The movie cleverly plays with subtle sci-fi elements in the cruellest ways; which many thought would be the case with Imaginur.

Directed by Nik Amir Mustapha (KIL, Terbaik Dari Langit), Imaginur was first teased years ago with an espionage-like poster that piqued the interest of many Malaysian cinema enthusiasts.

In short and without revealing anything important (trust us, you don’t want this movie spoiled for you), the film explores the story of Zuhal (Beto Kusyairy), who acquired the services of Dr Ramli (Afdlin Shauki) from a hypnosis clinic to assist him with his own personal troubles. Then along came Nur (Diana Danielle) who accidentally threw Zuhal off his hypnotic journey.

Having watched all of Nik Amir’s works, Imaginur stands above by keeping the rawness of KIL and Terbaik Dari Langit’s stunning cinematography. Keeping these two elements strong and equally balanced isn’t an easy task, especially for a tight-knit team like Nik Amir’s, but the composure, the neatness in arranging the beats and twists reflects Nik Amir as a director, creative and human being.

Throughout the movie, Imaginur is always one shy step away from being entangled in its own convoluted mess; but it managed to gracefully avoid such destruction while delivering a thoughtful and gut-wrenching story; like a ballet dancer on a minefield.

This is all possible when you get a combo of Redza Minhat and Nik Amir himself in the writer’s room. Every connection, every plot device and action; all crafted and placed with much thought, love and care - not just for the story, but the audience as well who may carry their own traumas prior to watching the film.

Beyond the writing, one can’t deny the performance given by the actors. The lines delivered by all of them were natural. Beto and Diana’s chemistry can be seen as a bit awkward, but frankly, the slow ascend was an experience in itself. It’s such a joy to see the pair’s first jittery interactions into the river rapids of emotions throughout. Seeing a broken man’s Berlin wall of insecurities built and torn down in the same movie? That was something else.

I’ll feel a bit cringed with myself whenever I write the word ‘reimagine’ on a headline, but since the film title yearns for it, maybe I’ll forgive myself this time. For a film this impactful? I’d be more than glad to let it slide.

Imaginur is now available for viewing in cinemas nationwide. 9/10.

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