There’s an incredibly adorable bus stop located in Takaharu, a town in Kyushu, that is a symbol of love from a pair of Japanese grandparents for their grandchildren.

And no, this is not just a regular bus stop.

One for the grandchildren

According to Japanese website Miyazaki, the bus stop’s cute factor is the Japanese cartoon character Totoro.

The bus stop, inspired by a scene from the popular animated film 'My Neighbor Totoro', was reportedly built by an elderly Japanese couple for their grandchildren as a surprise.

Can everybody say 'awwwww'?

The base of the statue is made from wood.
It's definitely a lot of hard work.
Almost there.
And here's the cool bit: the elderly couple reportedly took just one day to build the entire bus stop.

How impressive!

The grandparents reportedly even made the Totoro statue from scratch using a traditional plastering technique:

Building Totoro from scratch is hard work.
One detail at a time.
Almost done.
The proud grandparents.
Judging by the photos of the completed bus stop, it's evident that their granddaughter loved the Totoro bus stop:

We'd be happy too!
It seems that fans of Totoro and Ghibli super loved the bus stop as well, as tourists have reportedly been flocking to the small town just to take a picture with Totoro:

Need shelter, Totoro?
We wanna hug Totoro too!
Children absolutely loved Totoro.
BRB, need to buy plane tickets and fly to Japan to give Totoro a hug too. ♡