Netflix’s 'Squid Game' has been a phenomenal hit across the globe with its gory and intense storyline.

Basking in its aftermath, Taiwanese pop queen Jolin Tsai has replicated the hit K-drama in cake form.

According to a report in The Straits Times, Jolin took to Instagram to share her work of art, which took her three days to make.

She owns a bakery

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The report said the 41-year-old owns a bakery called Your Majesty Cake and does the baking and decorating herself.

The 'Squid Game'-inspired cake was a special request from her niece.

The cake featured the infamous giant creepy doll accompanied by two tiny figures in red jumpsuits while on the other side, there were flights of stairs with more figures in red jumpsuits.

The cake also had Dalgona candy strewn here and there over it.

What a masterpiece!

MAIN IMAGE: Jolin Tsai Instagram