“Congratulations on getting hitch y’all!”…


You have to move in with the in-laws because technically, half or more of both your savings have been used for the wedding. In today’s economy, it is fair to say that newlyweds or not, everyone must have savings stashed somewhere for future usage. It is important that upon getting married, those savings are what you and your partner comes back to before slowly planning a hop on the independent bus.

Hence comes in the question, is moving in with your in-law a good or a bad thing? There are so many ways to look at it and so many things to consider when deciding to move in with your in-laws. Whatever the decision is, just be prepared to face the worst. Let us browse through the pros and cons of having to live with the in-laws. Who knows, you might be their favourite after all.


1. Create a stable financial platform

Hello savings! Living together with the in-law after marriage helps a lot to kick start your life with your partner. Paying the rent, maintenance, renovations, things to buy for the new home and A WASHING MACHINE. How do you think you are able to even start saving with so many things you have to fork out for?


2. Building a better relationship with in-laws

The easiest way to capture your in-law’s heart? A clean home and food on the table. They won’t think twice to let you stay home forever. Then, you’ll be able to work on that egg benedict you’ve been trying to perfect for some time. Also, both you and your husband are able to take care of them in their most vulnerable times. They are not getting any younger, that is. With your in-law taking care of the house, they would even have time to go on that long overdue date they have been planning since forever.


3. Focus on strengthening your relationship

Marriage can be overwhelming at times. There are so many things you have to get used to, especially routines revolving around your significant other. Your bedtime, leisure days, working hours and even meal times (Yes, brunch and supper included)! So, moving in with the in-laws can help in the sense that they’ll take off a few burden off our shoulders. We have more time to spend with our loved ones since we live as a family unit, so task around the house are done collectively. Less worry, more and more romantic getaways!


4. Healthier lifestyle

Take-aways are our best friend while we were in college then and will still be if it's not because of our parents. Living with in-laws can partly help with our eating habits. You will try to eat at home more often, cook with your husband, cook FOR your husband and have meal times with the whole family. You would want to eat out less and look forward to spending more time with your loved ones. Also, your in-laws would nag if you keep feeding their child unhealthy food, so buck up on your cooking skills. You got this!




Household chores can only be fun when you know where the mess comes from. If you keep doing the same chores over and over again, you’ll definitely need an intervention for the other siblings because YOU’RE NOT THEIR MAID. Even so, be sure to be civil when discussing. You are indeed dealing with the host of the house. You’re not going to get an upper-hand but you might be able to make a deal with them. Try it!


2. Your in-laws are monitoring your EVERY MOVE

How about that? You think you’ll be able to get some privacy after marriage? Nuh-uh, no chance. Especially if you are staying with your in-laws. They’ll creep on you like you’re a guest in the house, asking if you need anything or if you’re comfortable with the duvet she gave you. Win your in-laws over and tell them everything is great, even if it’s not. Or, be prepared to flash through the halls so your in-laws won’t see you.


3. Unwelcoming life advice

Living with the in-laws, is more or less like living with your parents. Just that, they are not your parents. Hence, they don’t know you that well. So, sometimes you might get annoyed when your in-laws give you advice on the little things you do (or don’t) such as nag you choosing the wrong clothes detergent, your sleeping hours, time spent on video gaming or “Can you cook, dear?”. Yes, they’ll pester you on every little detail because it is their home and their rules. So, listen up to their every life advice. You will never know when you need it, especially if you are married to their golden child.


Just remember, you just got hitched. And you are living with your partner’s parents. Give and take under any circumstances. Not only with the parents, but also the rest of the household. Consider this a journey to learn as a married couple. Live an interesting life together with your in-laws so you’ll be able to tell your future kids their grandma and grandpa rocks!