We’ve come across some pretty, umm, interesting baby names, but this one for sure takes the cake!

Local comedian and actor Mohd Shah Rizal Sulaiman was recently heavily criticised by Netizens for naming his son - are you ready for this? - Mohd Putra Naruto!

Yes, the same wall-running, jutsu-summoning Uzumaki Naruto you probably grew up watching on TV every week.

Last week, the 27-year-old uploaded a photo of his newborn son on Instagram with the caption: ‘Anakku, jadilah anak yang soleh dan jadi lah Insan Yang berguna kepada agama dan negara.. belatihlah bersungguh2 untuk menjadi Hokage suatu hari nnt.. Amin’. (My child, become a filial son and a useful person to religion and the country. Train hard so that you could become a Hokage one day. Amen).

(In the Naruto anime and manga, a Hokage is a title bestowed on the village's leader and he is generally regarded as the strongest ninja in the village.)

Image: Instagram/shahsulaiman90
The picture has so far amassed more than 7,300 likes and 710 comments, and while there are those who saw the funny side of the post, a majority of his fans criticised him for naming his child after the famous anime character.

But before you roll up your sleeves, make yourself a hot cup of coffee and warm up your fingers to write him a nasty e-mail about how his child would suffer in the future because of his name, Mohd Shah told Harian Metro that it was all a joke.

“I purposely edited my son’s birth certificate as a joke on my family, who said I should name him Naruto, a favourite character of mine and my eldest son,” he was quoted by the daily as saying.

Mohd Shah also told the daily that he did not expect the photo to go viral, adding that his son’s real name is Muhamad Putra Iyyad.

No joke this time.