Malaysian Woman Microslept While Driving and This Is What Happened to Her
Long night drives can be physically taxing, especially for new drivers. So when Twitter user @AkeemSharyzal and his relatives saw a woman looking lost at a local R&R joint, he had to lend a hand.
Masa aku otw pergi ke melaka dengan wife aku, abang ipar aku & wife dia, kami berhenti dekat rnr, aku ada perasan sorang wanita ni dia dok call2 orang, pastu tak boleh masuk kereta, kami pun tergerak hati nak tanya dia kenapa, pastu dia cakap dia micro sleep. Allahu seram weh.— keem (@AkeemSharyzal) May 16, 2022
According to Akeem, he first saw the woman trying to call her insurance agent regarding her damaged vehicle near her. He approached her to assist as she claims that she microslept and caused the accident.
The woman claims that she accidentally microslept as her car hit a divider, waking her up in the process. Luckily no other cars were present on the road before she meets Akeem at a nearby R&R joint.
Kami tanya la dia nak g mana, dia cakap nak g melaka, dah alang2 macam satu tempat, so abang ipar aku dengan wife dia drive kete dia & aku pulak follow belakang guide diorang— keem (@AkeemSharyzal) May 16, 2022
Worried about her safety, Akeem and his relatives volunteered to aid her by driving the damaged vehicle to her destination in Malacca.
Akeem Sharyzal @ Akeem documented the whole experience on a Twitter thread that has since garnered over five thousand retweets and ten thousand likes.
Alhamdulillah kami bawak kete tu sampai ke melaka, and dia dah call family dia. Budak perempuan ni umur dia 23 and drive sorang2 waktu malam, kalau aku jadi dia pun aku jadi blur weh, dah la ngantuk pastu jadi camtu.— keem (@AkeemSharyzal) May 16, 2022
However, the most recent development shows a woman claiming that the story isn’t completely true. Twitter user Khailisa quoted the tweet, asking the OT to ‘tell the true story’’.
Stay tuned for the latest twist in the story as we will update the article from time to time.