
NOT AGAIN: Escalators at LRT Stations Are Still Down and Netizens Are Furious

Shazwan Zulkiffli
03:28 MYT
There’s a running joke on Twitter regarding KLCC’s infamous broken escalator that’s allegedly been under maintenance for years - and in true Twitter style, the issue became a hilarious meme even before the 2020s
But what’s not hilarious to netizens are the broken and malfunctioned facilities at prime LRT/MRT stations that have caused inconvenience, especially to pregnant mothers, senior citizens and people with disabilities. Recently, a video of a concerned citizen addressing the issue of a broken escalator went viral on Twitter. According to multiple reports, the DBKL claimed that the escalator at Sri Rampai LRT should’ve been fixed in April 2022. However, the escalator remains dysfunctional and continues to be a thorn in the flesh of everyday commuters. Taufiq added that he attempted to call a phone number, allegedly registered under the company Bossque Skyline, the contractor appointed to carry out the repair works and improve the condition of the escalator but to no avail, as the call went unanswered. The problem does not stop at Sri Rampai. A number of eyewitness reports also show that a few other escalators at other stations are also out of order.
Rosak bukan seminggu dua, ada dah lebih 3 bulan.
Cabut semua tu buat jual kat kedai besi buruk jelah .@MRTMalaysia
Ni baru satu stesen tau, rata-rata stesen yang aku pergi mesti ada eskalator rosak. pic.twitter.com/kPTMDiSKLw— Mohammad Faeez Harith (@H_Bakkaniy) June 10, 2022 Here’s a video of a tourist reacting to a broken escalator in one of the stations: This new round of frustration of the issue came right after the Prime Minister’s trip to Johor, tending to the same issue at the Customs & Immigration Complex in Johor Bharu. Looking at the turnover speed of the repairs, a number of netizens have urged the PM to also visit affected areas in KL and Selangor as well. We understand the anger and frustration of the commuters, especially after the CEO of KTMB allegedly called out Malaysians for not using public transportation that supposedly led to the worsening traffic congestion. The comment was taken to Twitter where Netizens can be seen challenging the CEO, asking him to take the KTM himself.
Our public transportation system is the veins of our cities, connecting us to our workplaces, families and essentially each other. The rakyat deserves at least the bare minimum - functional facilities for all. Nevermind the dreams of having world-class infrastructure, functionality and practicality should be the main priority. How about you? Do you have any more reports of broken facilities like these? Send us your thoughts at [email protected]
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