“Think you can’t or think you can- you are right! I’m 55 and I started with traveling solo within my own country. Then to Bali. Then the UK, Ireland, Europe, Thailand, and Hawaii: all solo. Why? I trusted myself enough to know I could and I did! Solo travel? I love it! Only way to go! Safe travels!" - Diane

Initially, we all love travelling but what kind of travelling do you opt for? Do you prefer to travel in a group or you enjoy being on your own? Most women these days enjoy travelling on their own and as they travel they connect with new people. But as for beginners, we have to know the tips and tricks to nail a solo trip. #1 Mental and physically PREP! We need to be mentally and physically prepared for whatever obstacles may come our way. It is IMPORTANT to be both physically and mentally fit coz’ we are about to venture into numerous experience by ourselves. Plant this in your head, if we come prepared, we are ready to overcome anything. Just so you know, we aren’t superheroes, we are just a traveller who thirsts for adventure traits.


#2 Pick an easy destination.

Our choice of destination matters if we’re a rosing bud in solo backpacking trip. One thing we need to take into account is the destination we plan to visit. As a beginner, pick a place closer to home. If someone told you, “Oh, it’s not that far. I’ve travelled further” LET THEM BE! What matters is you have to start somewhere right?


#3 Thorough preparations.

Even if you’re the ‘go with the flow’ type, but if we’re a beginner, let’s not take the risk and it’s CRUCIAL to prepare thoroughly. Pre-plan your trip before the actual day comes. A pre-planning is to ensure that your journey will go smoothly.


#4 Rain check before departure.

Weather forecast of ze day! Before we travel anywhere in the world, the weather plays an important role before you depart. Be it rain or shine, we should come prepared and don’t let the weather restrict our adventurous journey.


#5 Leave a trip plan to your friend or family

“Yeeep! Let’s get going!” Yes, we can’t deny our excitement to go for a solo trip but safety first, peeps! Make sure you leave your itinerary to a friend or family member so they know your whereabouts; especially where you stay and contact number.


All set, ladiessss? Now, worry less and travel more! These beginner’s tips come in handy when you are doubting yourself to travel on your own. So what are you waiting for? Let’s go! Anddd to find out more about travelling and love be sure to watch Travel For Love, Astro Hello Channel 110 and On-Demand.