It’s that time of the year again where we grown-ups take some time off the serious track to let our hair down to have some wholesome fun.

It’s Halloween and this is the season that you’ll be getting invites to the office dress-up party, or your apartment’s in-house trick or treat.

You’ll probably see a host of costumes like the Jedis from Star Wars, maybe a Stormtrooper or two, Disney princesses, witches, Jack Sparrow, etc. If you’re cracking your head and want a more original costume that everyone can identify with and remember, why not consider some of these:

1. Dato’ Lee Chong Wei

You'll have a smashing good time!There’s no better way to pay tribute to our national athletes than dressing up as one of them. After all, there are a few things that bring all of us together as Malaysians; one of them is sports and the other, delicious food. This costume will be very easy to put together. All you have to do is put on the things you’ll probably already have lying around the house. Dato’ LCW is probably one of Malaysia’s most recognisable faces, so once you go around in a sports get-up and badminton racquet, you’ll get tons of selfie requests.

What you’ll need:

2. The Puchong Crocodile

Empowering Malaysian urban wildlife, one croc at a time
A couple of weeks back, this adventurous crocodile (a real one, big jaws and all) swam up the Klang River near the Batu 13 toll on the LDP, which is somewhere near One City Mall and Puchong. It caused a standstill when everyone began to park their cars by the side of the road just to catch a glimpse of the creature. Soon after, the unsuspecting croc went on its merry way with no harm done.

In the past, it was very common to see crocodiles in the Klang River and its surrounding estuaries. Eyewitness accounts from Victoria Institution in the 1890s, which was located somewhere near where the Pasar Seni LRT is today, tells of how crocodiles would come up on the banks and sun themselves while some teachers would take aim at them with a rifle.

So if you’re looking to get some laughs, as well as raise awareness about urban wildlife, get that croc suit and start wagging your tail.

What you’ll need:

3. Tora Datang Lagi

Some good old childhood memories to give you the feels.Everyone remembers these little boxes filled with toys, chocolates and other surprises. Recognisable brands included Ding Dang and Tora, where every month or so a new toy will be released. This was a source of much excitement, and an excuse to drop by the local kedai tuncit or run out when the roti man honked his motorbike horn.

You can totally turn this into a costume by making a life-sized Tora or Ding Dang box, and wear it with your arms and legs sticking out. Of course, you’ll want to reserve this costume for parties where you don’t have to sit down (or else you can take it off, and put it on when you’re ready to mingle).

What you’ll need:

4. The Nasi Lemak Burger

Time to go look for your colleague who’s dressed as a bowl of cendol or rojakSome people might argue that the nasi lemak burger is a Singaporean thing, but let’s not get into that here. After all, there are more than enough nasi lemak burgers to go around. Spread the joy of fusion food and get that sambal rolling by being a red hot spicy burger. If you don’t have time to make a burger costume out of fabric and fillings, just buy one and customise it.

What you’ll need:

5. Keluang Man

As good as any Marvel superheroBack in the 1990s, this was a staple on TV and Keluang Man is very proudly a Malaysian icon. Dishing out his own version of vigilante justice, he was Batman for many kids back in the day. Keluang Man’s alter ego is a mental patient named Borhan (eh?) who stays in Hospital Bahagia in Tampoi, but escapes at night to solve crime by sheer instinct and sincerity.

Keluang Man doesn’t have any superpowers or wealth, but he makes it up by being very earnest.

What you’ll need:

Malaysian culture is way more diverse than this, and you’re sure to find more inspirations to come up with your own costumes.

Remember that these ideas can be worn throughout the year for any sort of costume party, and not just for Halloween.

Let us know in the comments what Malaysian thing you dream of dressing up as.