Mental health is never more real than it has ever been!

Today, the issue of anxiety has made itself more evident among people of all sorts of ages, gender, race, religion and nationality across the globe. Why? Well, let’s just start with the obvious reasons. In the year 2020 alone people have experienced the monstrous COVID-19 pandemic, locust plague, tornados, forest fire, natural disasters…shall we keep going?


Whilst people say the world is never a safe place, the level of anxiety in a person builds its own momentum. According to Healthline, anxiety disorder ranges from a mild to an extreme phase. Besides that, it also takes different types of form according to different people in different circumstances. Aside from the facts, we can say that it is emotionally draining and a very uncomfortable trigger that goes on and on till it’s treated.

Anxiety will be there haunting us out, therefore we should step up our game and be prepared to challenge it better than to have it challenge us. Are you up for it? Get set, go!

Alright people, we are gonna huff and puff anxiety away!

We are going to start our seven-day challenge with something simple first. Whenever you feel anxious and overwhelmed by the circumstances around you, just stop, close your eyes (if needed) and take deep breaths. As you breathe in, count to five and as you breathe out, count to five. Do this repetitively until you calm down. In some cases, people count to 10 too. FYI, this is a go-to method for most doctors and psychologists as it is the simplest way to calm down their patients.

Hey, anxiety isn’t the only feeling we have, right?

Guys, this is crucial. Most times, the emotions we feel will aggravate the anxiety especially when we do not express it in the right way and through the right channels. It’s a big NO to suppress our feelings. Aside from anxiety, we should acknowledge the feelings we have in the moment such as being mad, sad, lonely, happy, peaceful, and so on. Negative thoughts and emotions will make a negative impact only if we let them. That is why, we must let it out and let it go.

Just eating anything doesn’t do the trick anymore. No doubt, people who suffer from anxiety will have the worse appetite and to see them eat is in fact a miracle. However, not every meal that is consumed helps. Did you know that kick starting and maintaining a healthy diet can contribute to positive emotional outcomes? A healthy diet nourishes the body and the brain. So, start eating healthy.

Let’s start by asking ourselves this question. “Am I sleep deprived?”

It’s a bad sign if our answer is “Yes”. Here’s a good example. Have you noticed that when you lack sleep, you get cranky and be the least productive? It’s sort of a body’s natural response of saying GO GET SOME SLEEP! Anxiety can create insomnia if it is not dealt with. Take note guys…it’s not by getting enough sleep a day or two that’s going to make the change but it’s the consistent numbers of uninterrupted hours (8-9 hours recommended) throughout the week.

Social media has granted access to millennials so that they rather dwell in their cocoons than to actually ‘socialize’ in person. Not to mention aside from all the good content, the bad ones are also off the charts. This is an essential thing to do and the idea of it all is to start with the group of people you’re most comfortable with.

Small talks are a great start! Get to know what goes on in someone else’s life for a change.

This is it. We’re talking about lifting weights, long distance running, go get a gym membership!..Sounds overwhelming right? Ironically, people think that hitting the extremes in physical exercise would do the trick. Guess doesn’t! Do not set high achieving goals if you know you it’s beyond what you can bear. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, just five minutes of aerobic exercises can begin to stimulate anti-anxiety effects.

Now that’s achievable!

Here’s a ‘friendly’ saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” This isn’t a process that you have to go through alone.

Find a person you can trust and be accountable to about your ‘anti-anxiety’ journey. It could be someone in the family, your BFF, your spouse or even your therapist. So, how do you find a suitable person for the job? Easy! If you find that that person is a safe space to run to and that you are able to be honest about everything you did or did not do…then that person is a good option. Make sure that they are also able to push you forward to overcome anxiety and not to always cut you some slack.

Back in the day, a wise man said something very profound.

Charles H. Spurgeon- “Our anxiety doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.”

With all that has already been brought to the table, know that you can control your anxiety and eventually kick it to the curb when you get into each routine regularly.

Sometimes, we tend to get tensed and scared by the people around us who may judge us for how we feel or behave. Anxiety is no joke, guys. If you’re intrigued…catch this episode of Hello I Have Issues: Social Anxiety and get a glimpse about why people feel anxious around others.

\Source: Healthline, Psychology Today, Anxiety and Depression Association of America