Lee Chong Wei is our national hero and although we no longer see him on the badminton court, he’ll always have a special place in our hearts.

Following his retirement, it seems that the former world No.1 badminton player is spending a lot of time with his family, and he's frequently updating his Facebook status.

In one of his recent entries, the 37-year-old wrote about his six-year-old son’s kindergarten convocation.

Before putting the spotlight on his son, Kingston, Chong Wei recalled the day he graduated from kindergarten 31 years ago.

“31 years ago. I had no mortarboard. No robe. No flowers. Just a six-year-old me, wearing my torn out shoes going in front of the class to receive a certificate for completing my kindergarten studies. I didn’t even know what happened. At that moment, I just wanted to get over it and go out to play with my friends,” he wrote.

“Today I went to my son’s kindergarten ‘convocation’. If I wasn’t careful, I thought my son graduated with a bachelor’s degree already. Full graduation robe. Rehearsals. Performances. And most kids coming down from stage were given flowers. Maybe the time has changed. But me and my wife had the same smile like when my parents had for me 31 years ago.”

Chong Wei was also proud that Kingston received two awards during the ceremony, one of it was for spelling. He then joked that he couldn’t even spell ‘spelling’ when he was six.

Kids nowadays have fancy convocation ceremonies.
But what caught our attention the most was his post written in BM: “Anak gwa graduate harini. Kindergarden je. Tapi bukan main mewah convo dia in. Haha. Dulu bapak dia kindergarden main je tau. Xde la pakai topi segi empat tu.”

Tergetar gak hati tengok budak ni naik pentas. Bapak dia Tak pernah pakai topi segi empat. Harap je la along dan adik dia nanti akan naik pentas convo yg betul betul. Menunaikan hasrat bapak dia ni.

Netizen flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages and some even joked: “Imagine telling your friends your dad is Lee Chong Wei”.

Who wouldn’t want to blab that their father is THE Lee Chong Wei?

Anyway, congratulations to Kingston and may he excel in his future studies and endeavours.