We never thought much about the placement of ingredients in a burger. As long as it has all the ingredients we love, who cares how the burger is stacked, right?

Well, not until somebody started this debate.

Apparently, two companies known for things much bigger than burgers, Google and Apple may have gotten their burger emoji wrong.

As you can see above, Apple’s burger emoji places the cheese above the patty and the lettuce right at the bottom (what?), while Google’s version places the cheese below the patty (double what?).

People were especially quick to jump on Google’s burger emoji that the CEO of the company himself, Sundrar Pichai promised to “drop everything else” and solve this world crisis immediately.

We’re still questioning which burger emoji is the lesser evil, but I think we can all agree that there is something wrong with both of them. And so does the rest of Twitter.

While we’re at it, we decided to take a look at the burger emoji designed by other companies.

LG and HTC employees must really dislike tomatoes.
Microsoft’s burger emoji takes the same approach as McDonald’s by going with the lettuce first, followed by the tomato, cheese and patty.

Some people agree that this is the best way to stack a burger because basically, you melt the cheese on top of the patty, place the tomato on top of the cheese to hold the slippery ingredient in place, and put the lettuce right at the top to retain its crunchiness and make sure the vegetable doesn’t wilt from the heat.

Following this global debate, Emojipedia also conducted a poll to help sort out this universal question and the results were quite obvious – first salad, then cheese, then meat.

It is not recommended to place the tomato in direct contact with the bun to avoid eating soggy bread. Ugh. Also, how on earth do you cook the patty if the cheese is placed underneath?

Burger enthusiasts, can you attest to the theory above?

The self-proclaimed burger experts behind our very own myBurgerLab also decided to explain their burger logic amidst this controversy.

On the other hand, Samsung somehow thinks it’s a good idea to put the cheese in between the tomato and lettuce. Do Koreans eat cheese like this?

Here are more burger emoji from your favourite social media platforms:

Twitter, the colour of your buns look funny.
WhatsApp, good effort for the extra sauce on top. But are you trying to make soggy burgers here with both your vegetables at the bottom of the burger?

So, what do you think about the burger emoji controversy? How do YOU like your burger stacked? Think about it and let us know in the comments.