The current Movement Control Order has sent many Malaysians into a frenzy, which resulted in panic shopping and buying more than what they need.

A lot of us, unfortunately, are affected by selfish shoppers who hoard essential items, leaving almost little to none for others.

And among those had shared their experience shopping during this testing period is our beloved Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei.


In a recent Facebook post, Chong Wei penned a funny but meaningful story about the time where he went grocery shopping two days before the Movement Control Order took place.

He said that he was shocked too see a lot of people at the supermarket with overflowing shopping trollies, like it was some kind of marathon.

But what really got us is when he failed to secure some toilet rolls, as he was stunned that some people actually bought 10 bags.

“How many buttholes one needs to wash with that many?” he questioned.

He also advised Malaysians to stay calm and don’t travel anywhere throughout the restricted period.

Keep Calm, Stay Home

Dahsyat rakyat Malaysia ni.
Jangan balik kampung macam cuti raya. Kau mungkin ok, tapi yang mati nanti orang tersayang,” the three-time Olympic silver medalist stressed.

Percayalah, mimpi ngeri ini akan berakhir. Jangan panic. Kita warga Malaysia tak kira bangsa dan agama berganding bahu, bertolak ansur, tolong menolong, hari itu akan sampai dengan lebih cepat.”

5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Panic Buy

Chong Wei then ended his post by thanking all the frontliners, doctors, nurses, and even the supermarket cashiers for everything they’ve done for the country.

Many Malaysians were amused with his post and some also shared the same sentiments about panic shoppers:

To be honest, we prefer reading whatever the legendary badminton player posts in Bahasa Malaysia as it often sounds funnier and more casual.

So fellow Malaysians, be sure to stay home, don’t panic, practice good hygiene and also social distancing!