
Doggo Who Visits Car Showroom Every Day Gets Hired As New Employee

RD Minion
03:04 MYT
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Doggo Who Visits Car Showroom Every Day Gets Hired As New Employee
Words can never describe how loyal a doggo is:
Meanwhile, this one doggo is so loyal, he was hired to become an official member of a car showroom's work force.

Cutest employee ever!

Proud guardian. According to NDTV, a street doggo by the name of Tucson Prime (cool name) has been showing up at a Hyundai dealership in Brazil every day for the past couple of months.
The good boi eventually became friends with the employees at the showroom, and in May, the dealership made it official: Tuscon Prime is now an official employee of Hyundai Serra, ES, Brazil.
Give this employee a treat! And look, he even has his very own employee badge:
Tag into work with this pass. The good boi's colleagues have been taking really good care of him, giving him occasional showers and even building him a kennel for him to sleep in.
Doggo and his new kennel. As the ambassador and salesdoggo of the dealership, Tuscon Prime takes his job very seriously.
On top of making sure that the customers don't misbehave and guarding the dealership at night, Tuscon Prime has also been busy attending meetings, filing paperwork, greeting the bosses and most importantly, looking so darn adorable.
A post shared by TUCSON PRIME (@tucson_prime) on
Thanks to his dedication to his new job, Tuscon Prime has become a bonafide internet celebrity.
He now has his own Instagram account, @tucson_prime, and his follower count has climbed up to 40,000 to date.
Netizens can't stop gushing at Tuscon Prime, as the good boi's heartwarming story has captured the hearts of many. His adorable photos helped too, of course:
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