
Find Out Which Emoji Are You At Work!

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Find Out Which Emoji Are You At Work!

Starting a new job especially if it’s your first job is always intimidating. You might think you have met all sorts of people in university. But nothing can prepare you for the diverse personalities you will meet at work.

It’s worst if there’s a total douche in the office because you can’t skip work like you skip class in college okay. SMH. You need to face them every day. At times, you have to carry out your work duties together with that person and you will have to show your highest level of professionalism despite their attitude.

You’re always looking out for the odd one out at work, but do you know what your own personality is? Try this quiz to find out!

Disclaimer: This quiz is provided for information only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with an appropriately qualified practitioner.

Our advice is to not be afraid or have a negative presumption when dealing with personalities that you are not quite familiar with at work. You need to be able to adapt and find ways around problems as avoiding or thinking that you need to find a new job to run away from these people will only be proven futile because they are everywhere and although they might rub you the wrong way, they might present their own unique advantage to the company.

There will always be people that you might not get along with and people that you can be best buds with at work. In order to not be emotionally affected with negative personalities in the office, make sure to practice work-life balance. Once you leave work, don’t bring that negativity home. Home is for peaceful interactions with the people you love.

Once you are able to separate those two, you’ll be good to go!

Curious if there are other personalities that you might not have met yet? Watch this video and see if there's any recognisable traits from your colleagues!

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