High School Is Over, Now What? HELP!
Okay so you’re done with exams and high school is over! Time to party kow kow! So you go out and lepak with your besties who are all talking about their plans for the future. You start to think gone lah. However, don’t start crying into your pillow just yet. There are many resources out there that can help you form a plan. In the meantime, don't stress so much, this article will show you your choices.
#1 What level?
First things first, you gotta decide what you want to do; a degree, a diploma or a practical course? Some of us do well in practical courses such as teaching, culinary, or an overseas pre-university programme that focuses more on course work but some of us are terrer at memorising so something like A levels is perfect. Now you might feel lost about this but don't kelam-kabut okay. We have counsellors for a reason. Every school should have an education counsellor or a teacher that is overly invested. Go to them and talk, you’ll never know what you will find out about yourself.
#2 What school?
Next it’s time to pick the place where you’re gonna have the best time of your life. There are so many institutes out there that offer quality education both local and overseas. Education fairs are a really great place to go to check out schools and what they offer. Still if the idea of going to a huge place full of other students and parents is kinda scary to you, talk to your older friends or alumni of schools you already have heard of. Who better to tell you what it’s going to be like than someone who has been through it right?
Now this is the most important part; what are you going to study? This is the one part where seeking outside help aint gonna work. If someone else decides this for you then you might just hate them for the rest of your life. It’s time to dig deep and ask yourself, what are you passionate about? What do you want to spend your life doing? If you’re blur then ask the people closest to you like your best friend or family for advice but remember they can’t make the choice for you. Talk to some people already studying the choices you have in mind and get a real feel of it. Take a deep breath and let your soul do the rest.
Going off into the world will be scary at first but it will also be the time where you find yourself and have the most fun. You’ll make lifelong friends and learn things you never thought possible. So make a choice that makes you happy and enjoy the rest of the ride. If you need more help? Watch episode 10 of Hello I Have Issues and you’ll have it all figured out!
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