If You Can Relate To These Seven Signs, You Are Probably An Online Shopping Addict
It's no secret that Malaysians absolutely love online shopping, as evident by this story:
During the Movement Control Order (MCO), especially, there has been an upward trend when it comes to online shopping, as evident by this survey:
Don't worry, we're not judging. Who could resist a good 50 per cent, buy one free one deal, right?
However, when you're always on the look out for good deals on things you don't actually need, then we might have a problem.
If you can relate to these five points, congratulations; you're an online shopping addict:
And we mean the whole 16 digits, the CVV code and the expiry date on your credit card without even glancing at it. If only we could memorise our text books when we were in school like we memorised our credit card details, we would've been an astronaut by now.
You're not checking them out because you're waiting for a sale - and your Sales Sense is tingling and you know it's coming.
He texts you before coming over to drop off your parcels, he opens your door and places the parcel inside your house, he waters your plants, he plays with your cat, he stays for dinner...and now he's your adopted brother.
It's OK if you don't have friends, but please know that Shopee and Zalora love you to bits! ❤️
Heck, sometimes even their own staff doesn't know about the deals you know! Bonus: you have a chat group on WhatsApp filled with fellow online shoppers who constantly update you about ongoing sales.
Hey, you work so hard for your money, so it's only fair to pamper yourself with something nice and very expensive, right? Plus, it's time to buy yourself a present for your birthday - which is four months away!
They don't need to know what you do with your money, amirite? *high five* Besides, what they can't see doesn't exist.
#1 You can recite your credit card details by heart

#2 Your cart is full of items waiting to be checked out

#3 The abang courier is now your friend

#4 You have more notifications on your shopping apps than your WhatsApp

#5 You know which shopping site has a sale going on

#6 Your motto is: 'Treat Yo' Self'

#7 You have to hide some of your purchases from your other half

So, how many boxes did you tick? Are you an online shopping addict? Let us know in the comment section below.
On a seperate note, if you've been online shopping and your parcels have not been delivered yet, maybe this article can help you out:
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