We can't deny how much we Malaysians love our Milo.

However, we also can't deny that the Japanese might love Milo more than us Malaysians.

New pop up 'bar'

After discovering the chocolatey goodness of Milo in 2020, the Japanese have been going crazy - consuming them by the buckets and buying them by the dozens.

So, you can only imagine the craze and excitement when a new Milo kiosk pops up in Tokyo:

Twitter user @TonanLeopard recently tweeted several pictures of the new Milo kiosk in Tokyo's Machida train station, and needless to say, his post blew up on the social media site.

"There is a Milo bar on the platform of the Machida station, Odakyu Line! (Tasted it immediately)", the Twitter user wrote.

His tweet quickly went viral, having been retweeted more than 46,800 times and garnered over 162,000 likes.

According to @TonanLeopard's tweet, the kiosk is charging 200 yen (RM7.60) for a cup of Milo, and Japan being Japan, you can also 'customise' your Milo drink by adding fruits such as kiwi mixed with pineapple or banana into it.

Wait 'til they find out that they can actually put Milo into their instant noodles, right?

Grab it before it's gone.
Unfortunately for @TonanLeopard and his fellow Japanese, the kiosk is not a main stay at the train station.

Just like a pop up kiosk, they will only be around until 30 April, so we can only imagine just how popular this tiny little kiosk is going to be for the next few weeks.

Japan and Milo

Milo quickly became the drink of choice for the Japanese after Twitter posts raving about the health benefits of the drink went viral on social media.

Some Twitter users claimed that Milo helped them stay active longer and feel less fatigued, while there were others who claimed that Milo improve bladder health and control hunger pangs.

As a result of the tweets, Milo started flying off shelves in Japanese supermarkets as demand for the product reportedly surged 700 per cent.

Obsessed Japanese are obsessed.
The demand was so overwhelming, Nestle Japan was forced to suspend the sale of Milo in the country beginning December 2020, simply because they just can't keep up with the demand.

There were also reports of Japanese opportunists selling packets of Milo on the black market for up to 2,500 yen (RM285) for a 700g pack.

Hey, imagine how crazy the Japanese will be if they know we have Milo trucks, right?