The image or video of Ghana's dancing pallbearers have been all over social media recently.

Meme creators have also been using visuals of the group dancing while carrying coffins to remind people to stay at home to break the COVID-19 outbreak chain.

It's both hilarious and scary at the same time.

Influenced by the trending group, a Malaysian funeral parlour recreated their version of the video recently.

Laugh-out-loud funny

According to Mothership, quoting China Press, Kwang Heng Coffin Maker created two videos which were a hit among Netizens.

Our favourite is the 'leader', a lady called Madam Xie who could be seen dancing along with the pallbearers.

And don't worry, you guys; the coffin is a brand new one and there's nobody inside.

The items that Madam Xie and the other dancers used in the video are also props, the Chinese daily reported.

Here's the original one for comparisons sake:

What do you think? Should dancing pallbearers be an actual thing in Malaysia?