Everyone knows that chickens eat and poop a lot.

That's just how they are.

Cluck cluck poop, cluck cluck poop.
If you plan to rear a chicken, poop is something you'll just have to deal with.

Sick and tired of cleaning poop, one man in China decided to find a solution to his stinky problem.

An unconventional idea

According to a report by China Press, it all started when the man's friend gifted him six chickens for Chinese New Year.

Not having much experience handling them, he let them roam into his house and was shocked by the amount of poop left behind.

The worst part was that the animals also "left their mark" all over his furniture!

The solution?

He took the animals to the bathroom and put diapers on them.

Solving pooping problems.
Pictures of the animals in diapers have since gone viral.

At least he found a solution to his problem.