How is everyone holding up as we enter the second phase of the Movement Control Order (MCO)?

Some of you are probably really anxious for it to end, some turned into masterchefs, and others explored cool new things at home.

A new trend for men

Whatever it is, everyone is trying their best to be as comfortable as possible.

Speaking of comfortable, we've noticed how Malaysian men have just recently discovered the best loungewear when you’re at home – ‘baju kelawar’ or also known as ‘baju butterfly’ or caftan.

Many have even taken to social media to express what they’ve been missing all their lives after wearing the caftan the whole day during the MCO.

Many agreed on how comfortable the caftan is with some wives, sisters, and mothers sharing that their ‘baju kelawar’ stock has gone missing after the men in the family decided to wear all of it.

Guess the MCO period is really a good time to explore stuff you’ve never done before.

We wonder what Malaysians are going to think of next.