
#MYHero: Miss World Malaysia Finalist Now Serving The Country As Frontliner At Putrajaya Hospital

Iylia Adreena
09:24 MYT
Recently, Miss England 2019 made headlines when she decided to ditch her gowns for hospital scrubs after returning to the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom when the COVID-19 pandemic started.
And closer to home, another beauty queen is also ditching her high heels for comfy shoes as she is currently working tirelessly as a frontliner to serve the nation.

Duty calls

Miss World Malaysia 2019 finalist Dr Nisha Thayananthan joins other frontliners in the battle against the Coronavirus as she is currently treating patients at the Putrajaya Hospital.
Besides fighting the pandemic, Dr Nisha also spends her free time by giving out aids to the needy in her hometown in Seremban.
Dr Nisha on duty. “I was taught to give more than to receive, especially to the less fortunate,” the Miss World Malaysia “Beauty with a Purpose Award” winner told Bernama.
“Along this journey, I've come across people who are suffering, especially during the ongoing movement control order (MCO) to contain COVID-19.”
“Most of the times I fork out my own pocket money to help these people and often use my days off by engaging in charity, ” said Dr Nisha, whose mother runs an elderly care home as well as a shelter for abandoned animals, both in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Guess the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree.
Keep up the great work, Dr Nisha! We thank you for your service and sacrifice during these though times.
If you are interested to help the unfortunate together with Dr Nisha, you can contact her via email at [email protected].
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