
Prince Harry Is Set To ‘Berbuka Puasa’ In Singapore This June!

Iylia Adreena
07:10 MYT
Hear ye, hear ye! Britain’s most eligible royal bachelor, Prince Harry will be coming down to our neighbouring shores!
The 32-year-old prince will be in Singapore on 4 June for a noble cause – to attend the Action for AIDS Singapore reception. The event will take place at Eden Hall.
The news was first shared via the royal family’s official Twitter account, Kensington Palace. He will be there to not only discuss mental health issues with the youths but to also take part in the breaking fast of Ramadhan.
The following day, the prince - who is fifth in the line of succession of the British throne - will take part in a polo fundraising event, the Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup, which is an annual event organised by the Singapore Polo Club.
After spending two days in the Lion City, he will then jet set to Australia on June 7th for another event. Phew, what a tight schedule. Who said being a prince was all fun and games?
So guys and girls, if you happen to be the lucky ones to attend those two events, do share tonnes of photos of the ginger prince on social media!
And all you single ladies out there; this is your golden opportunity to ‘cari jodoh’ and court Prince Harry. Who knows, it might work and help put an end to the popular festive season question of “bila nak kahwin? (when are you getting married)” from your pesky aunts and uncles.
We know there are reports of him seeing someone currently, but hey, you'll never know.
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