Throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve heard a lot of stories of more and more people are returning to the medical profession in a bid to help combat the deadly virus.

And the latest one to join in the noble effort isn’t just anybody, and she's someone that some of you may not expect to get her hands dirty.

Volunteer basis

Princess Sofia of Sweden has decided to trade her royal duties with hospital duties as she volunteers as a medical assistant at a hospital in Stockholm.

The Duchess of Värmland shared the news via her Instagram page with a photo of her hospital scrubs which she received upon completion of her training.

I förra veckan genomgick jag en sjukvårdsutbildning med fördjupning inom hälsa, vård och omsorg på @sophiahemmet Inom ramen för ”beredskapslyftet” är jag nu placerad på en av sjukhusets vårdavdelningar där jag tillsammans med andra nyutbildade kollegor stöttar och avlastar vårdpersonalen med olika uppgifter, bland annat omsorg av patienter och städning. Sophiahemmet har i sin tur ställt sina resurser till Region Stockholms förfogande. Ett 40-tal medarbetare är utlånade för att arbeta inom intensivvården på akutsjukhusen. Dessutom avlastar Sophiahemmet akutsjukhusen genom att stötta kirurgi inom främst cancer. Jag är sedan tidigare engagerad i Sophiahemmets verksamhet. Att i denna svåra tid få möjlighet att hjälpa till är oerhört givande. Tack!

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“I am now placed in one of the hospital’s care departments, where together with other newly trained colleagues, I support and relieve the healthcare staff with different tasks,” she wrote in her caption.

“To have the opportunity to help at this difficult time is extremely rewarding.”

The 35-year-old princess started volunteering at the Sophiahemmet Hospital in Stockholm on Thursday.

Good job, princess!
"As the honorary chair of Sophiahemmet, she wants to help out in this crisis that Sweden is in," Ms Margareta Thorgren, information director at the royal court, told AFP.

According to the hospital’s spokesperson, the princess will assist doctors and nurses with tasks such as disinfecting equipment, morning cleaning, and kitchen shifts.

Well done, Princess Sofia for rising to the occasion! You certainly remind us of another kind hearted princess, who’s now the Queen of Genovia.