We don’t know about you…but the toilets at our primary and secondary schools (more than a decade ago now) were pretty much…well…crap. Most toilets wouldn’t flush, the doors wouldn’t lock, and the toilet stalls seemed to have been cleaned once a month at most.

However, a toilet at a Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan School (SJKC) in Kuala Lumpur has gone viral on X with over 2 million views at the time of writing because of its swanky interior.

Image Credit: Facebook

X user @ayshardzn shared images of a luxurious toilet that had apparently been funded by parents. The toilet has customised backlit signs for both male and female toilets, fans, and huge mirrors with warm lighting.

Image Credit: Facebook

The toilets also had fancy black tiles and wooden doors. They appeared to be well-ventilated (a huge plus). Inside the stalls, the toilets were equipped with motion-sensor flushes, a built-in bidet, and dual-function toilet seats with lids for adults and children.

X users quickly chimed in with their thoughts in amazement. One user said, “Seriously lar, how much did they collect from each parent to do this?"

Another user replied with an image of a board outside their hall which revealed the donations from the donors for the school. The highest donor had donated a whopping RM2 million!!! The second highest donors had given RM1 million.

Nine parties donated six-figure sums in total. We can’t imagine how rich the school must be, but it seems that they are using the money to comfort the students and staff.

Another user commented that if it were a Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan school, most of the funds would have entered someone’s pocket before they were spent on school-related matters

“At Sekolah Kebangsaan, people are too lazy even to pay for the PIBG funds,” quipped another.

If our schools had looked like this, we would be happier to wake up each morning for sure!

Featured Image Credit: SJKC CHUNG KWOK | Facebook