The digital world is only a click away!
We, the millennial generation, have created a portal that connects the real world and virtual reality. Almost everywhere we turn, from the young ones to adults, we get to see the obsession of online games.
via GIPHYTechnology is surely taking over the world but IT’S NOT ALL THAT BAD!
Yes, we can’t deny the fact that online games can have a bad impact on an individual but on the other hand it opens a door to new perspectives. It all depends on the person’s approach to the game.
It’s time to turn the addiction of these online games to our advantage!
In case you forget, it is a great way to kill time during the times we’re confined at home. The four walls can’t stop you from taking a trip and exploring the world of online games.
You must be wondering, “How am I supposed to benefit from this?” Well, a common concern by parents is that gaming can’t be productive. Are you sure?
There are many online games that can produce an intellectual mind. It’s just not as obvious as we may see it. For example, a game like Clash Royale has the ability to train a person in being strategic. The player must be able to defend his tower as much as attacking the other opposing tower.
This game is visual-friendly and can be played up to 4 players at a time. Therefore, every gamer gets to build a new friendship with another gamer and learn about teamwork.
Another gamer’s favourite is one of the popular e-sport, FIFA online. That’s right, the gamer gets to be his favourite football player. It is another game that gives the gamer a glimpse of what it's like to be in a football league. Other than that, the gamer gets to create his team strategy and know the value of each football player.
Here’s an interesting fun fact. E-sport video games have become a viable career around the world. Isn’t that awesome? Your gaming skills could earn you big bucks!
via GIPHYOnline games have now become relevant to the younger generation. There are games created that are all catered to a specific age grouping. Therefore, the exposure of online gaming goes even to kids as young as two years old.
I’m sure you have seen young kids playing games like Candy Crush on their parent’s smartphones, right?
via GIPHYThere are so many more games to discover in this online universe. We haven't even gotten to popular games like PUBG or Call of Duty yet.
Anyway, the point is this.
As you may have read the title, it is a trip to the world of online games, not a place we should dwell all our life. THAT’S BAD! That could probably be why some parents take away the privilege of online gaming from their child.
Always remember that at some point you have to get back to reality. The reason is that when we are caught up with only this, other matters get procrastinated. Hence, the addict of online gaming can become a bad habit and eventually a lifestyle.
Is there a way to not procrastinate? Well, there is! Watch this video of Hello I Have Issues as it uncovers and helps people deal with their bad habits.