Three Cool Features On 'MAE By Maybank', The App That Will Eventually Replace 'Maybank2u'
Guys, the Maybank2u app has got a pretty cool "cousin sister" called MAE now.
The MAE app is set to eventually replace Maybank2u altogether but it will be done slowly lah.
“MAE by Maybank2u was developed to be more than just a banking app; we want it to be an all-encompassing platform to help our customers manage their day-to-day money matters.
“The app contains the existing features within Maybank2u to help with your daily needs such as paying bills and fund transfers; but we have also introduced new tools to help customers track their spending while encouraging them to save too," said Maybank's Group President and CEO Datuk Abdul Farid Alias.
And before you go, "Ohhhhh revamp jer ker?", we've listed out a few new features within the new MAE app which we found quite interesting.
1# Track your spending with 'Expenses'
You know when you're almost reaching the end of the month and then you realise that you're broke and don't know what in the world you spent all your money on?
Well, Expenses is designed to help you solve this problem.
The feature will sort out your expenses into different categories such as Food, Utilities and Shopping.
Cash transactions can also be tracked if you input the data into the app.
So basically a spending tracker lah.
2# Save money together-gether using Tabung
Now this feature is one that we're especially intrigued by because saving money as a group is never easy.
To use the Tabung feature for group savings, all you have to do is set a saving category (i.e Mount KK Trip With Gila Friends) and then add your friends in there as well.
You will be able to set how much you want to contribute on a monthly basis and the sum will be pooled together there.
So instead of just talking about that trip, at the end of 6 months, you can actually go ahead and do it with your friends.
Disclaimer: We have not used the feature yet so we don't really know the full mechanics of it as yet.
We have some concerns though. What if one of the friends tak bayar? Can one person withdraw money from the Tabung without the rest knowing?
We'll find out and let you know as soon as we can k.
3# Boost your savings using a few "sneaky" methods
Why sneaky?Well, within the Tabung function, you will be able to turn on several 'Boosters' which will basically help you save money without you even realising it.
Sneaky kan? But, we like!
Here's what the boosters do:
Booster 1 - Spare Change. This booster rounds up all your expenses and the "spare change" is instantly transferred to your Tabung. So if your meal is RM12.55, the figure will be rounded up to RM13.00 and the additional RM0.05 will be banked into your Tabung. Cool right?
Booster 2 - Scan & Save. This booster deposits money saved from promos used during QR transactions (using the MAE app) into your Tabung. Yes you will enjoy 10% saving when you go makan at that favourite Sushi shop and if you turn on this booster, at the end of the month, you will notice the 10% that you saved sitting there in your Tabung. Smart!
Booster 3 - Guilty Pleasure. This booster allows you to set a daily spending limit for any selected category and if you exceed that, an amount (which you set) will be credited into your Tabung. It's like you're imposing a fine to yourself for overspending but at the end of the day, you will be able to enjoy those "fines" through your Tabung.
See! Sneaky but kinda cool kan?
We like that all these are options. If tak suka, tak payah guna.
A funky yellow card
The MAE app also comes with a bright yellow coloured MAE Visa Debit card to complement the MAE wallet.Some of the perks (according to the peeps at Maybank) is that you will enjoy competitive exchange rates that will auto convert the amount in your MAE wallet to the currency used at the country that you're in (if you choose to do so lah).
So, no need to line up and wait to exchange money! Yeay!
Discounted makan options
The other interesting new feature is the Makan Mana Wheel within the app which recommends dining options for users and allows them to enjoy promotions from thousands of partner merchants in Malaysia.This could potentially solve the longstanding 'What to eat today ar?' issue faced by many Malaysians.
But personally, we don't really see ourselves using this lah.
Even if the app suggested something, we'd probably just go to the usual three places we always end up eating at for breakfast, lunch or dinner. LOL!
Anyway, like we mentioned earlier, we've not really tried it out all the features throughly but they do sound menarik.
What do you think about the new app? Are you sad that Maybank2u will no longer be around?
Share your thoughts in the comments section.
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