Have you experienced a UFO sighting before?

Apparently, a group of residents in Poland were haunted by the sighting of a creepy UFO, which led to windows being shut tightly for days.

It turns out that the UFO in question was actually an Unidentified Flakey Object.

A beast that deserves to be eaten

According to BBC, a concerned resident called up the animal welfare society in Krakow, Poland, to report that a strange, brown, unmoving creature had been perched on a tree for two days.

"People aren't opening their windows because they're afraid it will go into their house," the woman reportedly said.

The woman described it as something that resembles an iguana and also noted that the creature was headless.

The authorities were skeptical at first, as no reptile could cope with Poland’s current weather condition, but they went and had a look any way and found that the beast so scary until its sending shivers down residents’ spines turned out to be something we should eat and not be eaten by: a classic croissant.

Yes, a delightful, flakey, buttery croissant that somehow ended up wedged on a tree.

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Posted by KTOZ Krakowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami on Tuesday, 13 April 2021

The Krakow Animal Welfare Society posted to Facebook saying the report was genuine and the person who called them was hysterical, talking about the creature which they saw lurking in the tree for two days.

The post has attracted close to 2,000 shares and 7,000 likes to date.

We hope the lady in question will not be traumatised with croissants in the future.