Remember the YouTuber who travelled all the way from Athens to Kuala Lumpur just to taste a plate of nasi lemak?

Well, it looks like he will be coming to Malaysia again.

And this time around, he is craving for another local street food: Ramly Burger!

'My mouth is watering'

Darren Cronian recently shared a video on his Twitter page, @remotedarren, showing of a roadside stall operator cooking up some burger patties, toasted buns, and a fried egg.

“My Airbnb host sent me this after I left Kuala Lumpur. Damn, I’m going to have to fly 10,000 miles for a Ramly burger,” he wrote.
In a seperate tweet, Cronian said that his mouth is watering just watching the video.

Naturally, Malaysians flooded his page and some even posted photos of some mouth watering street burgers, you know, to make him crave for the burgers more:

Cronian, who actually replied to many of the comments, sadly said that he will have to settle for fish and chips for now.

Hey Darren, the next time you're in KL, give us a call! We'll gladly bring you to all the best Ramly Burger stalls in the country.