Despite the occasional bickering we have among each other, it has been proven that Malaysia is quite a peaceful country.

In fact, we're ranked 25th most peaceful country in the world!

Based on the Global Peace Index (GPI), Malaysia improved four ranks this year even though the world has generally been seeing a decline in peacefulness.

Peace, world.
Within the Asia-Pacific region, we managed to maintain the fifth position, following Australia, Japan, Singapore and New Zealand, as reported by the Malay Mail.

In terms of militarisation, Malaysia ranked the 18th most peaceful country after taking into account the amount of economic resources allocated for the military, among other measures.

Kudos, Malaysia! We are just one of the 71 countries that have improved in ranking, whereas 92 countries were found to have deteriorated according to the GPI.

Here are the top 10 most peaceful countries in the world in 2018:
  1. Iceland
  2. New Zealand
  3. Austria
  4. Portugal
  5. Denmark
  6. Canada
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Singapore
  9. Japan
  10. Ireland

If you want to know more about how peace is measured and quantified globally, you can find the complete GPI here.