We're probably all on the same page when it comes to this.

2020 sucks and big time!

The economy has suffered due to the COVID-19 pandemic with many companies closing down, industries suffering and people losing their jobs.

Understanding this, the Government came up with the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) and just today (23 September), the Prime Minister announced the second wave of monetary aid called Bantuan Prihatin Nasional 2.0.

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According to a report by New Straits Times, the RM7billion which will be handed out under BPN 2.0 is part of an allocation under the Kita Prihatin economic recovery package.

The aid is said to benefit 10.6million Malaysians.


Who qualifies?

Targetted monetary aid.

The aid will be handed out to the B40 and M40 group but not everyone in this bracket with qualify.

Going by the terms set when the BPN was first announced, these are the terms to qualify.You can also check your BPN status at https://bpn.hasil.gov.my/​

Who gets what?

For the B40 group, households will get RM1,000 and single individuals will get RM500.

As for the M40 group, households will get RM600 and single individuals will get RM300.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Tassin said that to make it convenient, those who had previously applied for the aid will no longer need to make a second application for BPN 2.0.

They will automatically receive the aid based on info that was previously provided.

The Government will also allow those who were initially rejected for the previous BPN to appeal and submit new applications.

The payments under BPN 2.0 will be given out in instalments.

The first one will be handed out in October and the second round will be given out in January 2021.