
Badminton Hero Lee Chong Wei Gets Dragged Into Raj's Banana Leaf Scandal

Nicholas Chow
02:39 MYT

You guys know the saying 'guilt by association'?

Well, one national hero suddenly became a prime example of the saying as he has been unwillingly dragged into the whole Raj's Banana Leaf mess.
On Wednesday, social media was abuzz with rumours that shuttler Dato' Lee Chong Wei co-owns the currently under fire restaurant Raj's Banana Leaf.
When The Star Online asked the 35-year-old about his role with the restaurant, he told the news portal that he is not in any way linked to the eatery.
However, local website Buzzkini did some digging and found out that LCW is indeed listed as one of the three directors of the company InterCompass Sdn Bhd, which owns the restaurant:
Got proof! After the matter was blown out of propotion, Raj's Banana Leaf finally came out to give an explanation on Wednesday evening.
The restaurant acknowledged via a post on their official Facebook page that LCW used to be one of its directors, but he called it quits before the scandal broke.
"While we acknowledge that Datuk Lee Chong Wei was previously a director of the company, he had resigned from his directorship prior to the said incident," the eatery wrote.
They also added that LCW was not involved in the day-to-day operations of the restaurant.
On Tuesday, a 30-second video showing a group of employees from Raj's Banana Leaf restaurant cleaning dishes in a puddle of murky water went viral on social media.
In a Facebook posting, Raj's Banana Leaf blamed the boo boo on their new staff, and they assured customers that something like this "has never happened before".
Naturally, Malaysians were livid, with many calling for the closure of the restaurant.
The Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) health inspectors went to work immediately and shut down the premises on Wednesday evening.
Now that action has been taken against the errant owners, let's not kacau LCW anymore, OK?
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