
Businessman Stuffs Friend’s Car With RM50 Notes For Giving Him A Ride

RD Minion
00:11 MYT
If a friend asks you for a ride, the most you would get in return is probably a 'thank you' or if you are lucky, a free meal.
But for one man, his generous act netted him a windfall - quite literally!

Token of friendship

27-year-old Benjamin Rohaizad Razilan Affendy recently got a shock when he received RM1,500 for giving his friend a ride in his Perodua Axia.
He revealed in a tweet last week that his friend had stuffed the RM50 notes into every hole and space in his car as ‘petrol payment’ for the free ride.
“Friend asked for a ride. When dropping off then only realised he stuffed money for petrol,” he tweeted, along with a photo that shows more than a dozen RM50 notes stuffed in crevices of the dashboard, door handle and air conditioner: Benjamin later told mStar that said he was shocked with the money.
“When he first stuffed the money, we had just arrived at a clinic to pick up medicine. When I returned, the several spots were stuffed with money.
“When money that he stuffed dropped, he would pick it up and place it in the cupholder to ‘confirm’ he does not want the money.
“I think he is giving the money as a token of friendship,” he was quoted as saying.
Benjamin also told the news portal that his friend is a well-to-do businessman who own two factories that process oil palm fertiliser, and owns four cars.
RM50 notes everywhere! Despite owning four cars, Benjamin said his friend hates driving and prefers to hitch a ride in his car.
His tweet has since gone viral, with more than 23,000 retweets and 18,700 likes.
Hey Benjamin's friend, do give us a call if you need a ride, OK?
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