Check Out The Horrifying Moth That Is Terrorising Australia (And Probably The Entire World Too)
Australia is the land of many scary things -- giant spiders, monster snakes and alien-looking worms -- but this moth is arguably the scariest of them all.
A video purportedly showing a creepy-looking moth has sent the Internet into a frenzy.The insect from hell (it has to be from hell, right?) appears to have the body of a moth, and that's basically the only normal thing about the moth - BECAUSE IT HAS FOUR FURRY TENTACLES SPROUTING OUT OF HIS ABDOMEN!
Don't believe us? Have a look for yourself:

Hey, if we found this moth in our home, we would gladly surrender our keys and move out.

According to this website, the moth is usually found in Australia and certain parts of Southeast Asia.
Oh, what are those creepy tentacles sticking out of its abdomen, you ask? Well, those are its scent organs called coremata, which they use to attract mates.
We don't know about you, but what insect would be attracted to those things?!
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