The current SOP allows for it, but if you're a gym kaki, you would have been quite concerned following reports of COVID-19 cases involving gyms and fitness centres in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley recently.

Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives, but life, including trying to lead a healthy one, has to go on right?

Workout time.It's relatively easy for experts to tell us to refrain from visiting closed gyms, but the reality is that other options are not always readily available to all.

So for those of you who have no choice, here are a few tips you can follow to keep yourself safe (ok lah, safer) when visiting your gym.

Does COVID-19 spread easier in gyms?

Before we even speak about safety tips, here's why medical experts are concerned about COVID-19 spreading at gyms and fitness centres.

We all know that the virus spreads through the air via respiratory droplets and the chance of infection increases in a confined space.
The spread."But I'm so far from the other fella, and I'm just minding my own business and carrying dumbells what. That one pun tak boleh ke?" asks a friend.

To answer that question, it's not about the distance, but it's about the kind of activity that you're doing in that confined space.

When you exercise, especially when the activity is rigorous, you tend to breathe harder, and respiratory droplets that you release (weather accidental or purposefully) travels further.

Work those muscles.Don't just take our word for it though. Research has also been conducted on risks of exercising in closed spaces due to COVID-19.

South Korean researchers found that intense physical exercise in densely populated sports facilities could increase infection risk.

Early research findings state that the moist, warm air combined with turbulent airflow from exercising could create an environment for respiratory droplets to spread faster.

A paper published by the Journal of the American Medical Association also detailed that during maximal exhalation (you know, the kind of exhaling you do after a round of heat exercises), aerosols can reach speeds of 33 to 100 feet per second.

These aerosols also remain airborne for about 23 to 27 feet before landing on the floor or other surfaces.

So bearing all this in mind, if you still feel like the gym is the only place for you to keep fit, do follow the safety guidelines stated below.

#Safety guideline 1: Disinfect, disinfect, disinfect

Just bring a whole bottle of disinfectant along lah. We're being super serious about this!

Even if your gym provides disinfectant or wipes, bring your own.

At least you'll have peace of mind knowing that it's good quality disinfectant (that's not been watered down and mixed with something else).

Kill them germs!Your gym also probably already disinfects all equipment on an hourly basis, but it's best to be safe when using shared facilities.

Be diligent. Wipe the handles and any surface area that people often touch before and after you use it.

Why after? Well, because you're just a kind-hearted soul and don't want the next person to catch germs that you may have left behind.

#Safety guideline 2: Skip fitness classes in small spaces

If you only go to the gym to join that aerobics session or body pump group workout, we've got some not so good news for you.

It's best to just stay away from these sessions for now.
Stay away from crowded classes.
Remember the research done by the South Korean researchers?

In their research (which focussed on fitness dance classes), one dance workshop resulted in over a hundred people getting infected.

The more vigorous the exercise, the higher the chances of infection.

So, maybe stick to really small groups instead.

If you've joined a class and notice too many people in that space, just step out.

Ideally, it would be best for your gym to have classes in an open space.

Exercise outdoors.If you feel like that could be a doable option, make sure you suggest it to them.

#Safety guideline 3: Bring your own personal stuff

"I don't need to bring a towel; my gym provides fresh ones. Water? There's a water fountain. Deodarant? Gym got lah. No need to bring."

Yes, making full use of all the facilities at your gym is your right, but it's COVID times my friends.

It's best to just bring your own personal stuff.
Bring your own stuff.
Carry your water bottle with water (cause the faucet at your shared water fountain could be a happy place for germs), towel, deodorant, yoga mat and other personal items for your session.

Shared items should be avoided as much as possible.

Yes, it's going to be more mafan to carry more things in your gym bag but heeeeey, take it as exercise before your actual exercise session starts lah.

#Safety guideline 4: Keep your hands off your face

What do you usually do when you sweat?

Just use your hands and wipe that sweat away right?

Be mindful when you sweat.
It's an instinctive action that should be avoided at gyms especially during COVID times.

Wash your hands regularly and refrain from touching your face, eyes and mouth.

Use a sweatband or maybe have a towel handy for when you're excessively sweating.

Just be mindful of where you place your towel as well.

Not to sound like a broken recorder but germs are everywhere!

#Safety guideline 5: If you're sick, stay at home

We're not going to even bother explaining this one cause it should be etched in everyone's brains by now.
Stay home!
If you're sick, stay at home.

If you're sick, stay at home.


#Safety guideline 6: Shower and disinfect as soon as you get home

Gym sessions can be pretty tiring and sometimes all you want to do is come home and just chill for a bit.

Skip that for now.

Shower right away.The best thing to do is to put all your clothes, towels etc for wash, disinfect your phone, headphones and any other equipment that you brought and take a nice long shower.

Yes, we can already hear an angry group shouting "But the chances of COVID-19 living on clothes is low".

They're absolutely right, but why risk it?

We're still learning about this new disease and how it spreads.

Deaths increasing worldwide.New strains are being discovered and it's only a matter of time before it reaches our shores as well.

Remember, the risk is always there, but if you practice some of the tips and do your part, you can minimise the risk of infection for youself and the rest of your gym pals.

Happy exercising people! Stay safe!