
From Culinary Graduate To Minister Of Defense: Who Is Mat Sabu?

Iylia Adreena
08:54 MYT
If you clicked this article, chances are you would probably know who this man is.
Mohamad Sabu, or more affectionately known as Mat Sabu, is our current Minister of Defence after being appointed by Tun Dr. Mahathir following Pakatan Harapan’s historical GE14 win.
He shot to popularity after the elections thanks to the viral memes and clips of his enthusiastic ceramahs. So, apart from being our Minister of Defence, he should also be dubbed Minister of Memes.
Seriously, just search for it on Twitter or Facebook, it’ll definitely make your day!
Admit it, he's the most eccentric Defense Minister we've ever had. So, who is actually Mat Sabu pre-14th General Elections? Here are some facts about him that you or may or may not know.

#1 A Culinary Maestro

That looks so good, we're drooling! If you’ve watched the viral interview with Mat Sabu and Lim Guan Eng, you might remember that our newly-appointed Finance Minister says that he misses Mat Sabu’s fish head curry. Guan Eng also said that he used to call him ‘Mat Cook’.
Well, that’s no surprise because Mat Sabu is actually a wizard in the kitchen as he’s a Culinary Arts graduate from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
Not only that, he once cooked for our Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir and his wife Tun Siti Hasmah when the couple visited him at his home in 2017.
Hopefully he’ll open a restaurant soon so that everyone can sample this fish curry head that Guan Eng adores.

#2 Stays In A Terrace House and Drives A Perodua Viva

Mat Sabu leaving his house on the first day of work. His officers waiting to escort him to Ministry of Defence.From Perodua Viva to this car. Mat Sabu was born on 14 October 1954 in Tasek Gelugor, Pulau Pinang and has seven siblings. He received his primary, secondary, and tertiary education at the Pearl of the Orient.
He now resides in Section 19, Shah Alam and drives a Perodua Viva. If you’ve seen the recent pictures of Mat Sabu being picked up by government officers in front of his house, you can see the stark contrast between the official government-issued vehicle to his housing area and humble car.
And let’s be honest, not many ministers live in a house like his (or drive a budget car like the Viva) nowadays.

#3 He Once Contested Against Anwar Ibrahim In The General Elections

Once enemies, now friends. Sounds unbelievable, but yes, this event really did happen! During the 1986 General Election, Mat Sabu contested against Anwar in Permatang Pauh, Penang. Mat Sabu contested under PAS while Anwar contested under UMNO.
Well, we didn't need to tell you who eventually won.
Well, more than three decades later, who would’ve imagined that the both of them would be working under the same party and serving the nation.

#4 Formed Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH)

From green to orange. Perhaps frustrated with PAS’ leadership and the crisis within the party, Mat Sabu and a few of his comrades decided to leave the party for good and formed Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH). He was then elected the president.
Prior to his exit, he was appointed as PAS’ Vice President in 2011.
Fast forward seven years later, he's now the Minister of Defence. Talk about a promotion.

#5 Detained Twice Under ISA

BFF forever <3 In 1984, he was charged under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for being involved in extremist movements. He went through beatings and tortures during the questioning sessions and was exiled to Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan.
It was said that his movements were also limited for two years.
The second time he went in was from 1987 to 1989 - just a year after he was released! This time around, he was taken into custody under the controversial Operation Lalang, a crackdown aimed at arresting whoever that’s causing chaos in the political arena back then.
Oh, did you know that it was his second stay in prison that he met Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng? That explains his bromance with Lim Guan Eng.
In millennial terms, they’ve ‘glowed up’ together. From being detained under ISA to becoming Cabinet ministers, there's no better love story than that.

#6 He Gives Very Enthusiastic Speeches

Did you guys see the clip where he threw his mic? EPIC. Mat Sabu isn’t afraid of voicing out his opinions and being vocal about almost everything. He speaks volumes (literally!) and can sometimes be seen to be a little too enthusiastic.
A video showing him throwing a microphone on stage during a ceramah is now the stuff of legends: Well, it’s no surprise that he has good public speaking skills as he’s been a Member of Parliament (MP) three times: in 1990-1995 (Nilam Puri), 1995-1999 (Kubang Kerian) and 1999-2004 (Kuala Kedah).
Never change, Mat Sabu, never change.
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