You love your baby girl.

You adore your boo.

It's COVID-19 season but their birthdays are around the corner.

What to do? What to do?

We may have a solution for you!

Online florist Flowericious has been promoting their latest creation, a bouquet of beautiful flowers accented with a - hand sanitiser!


An unusual pairing

Flowericious owner Ben Lee said that the idea behind the special bouquet was to send "love and care".

"When you send flowers, it's to show someone that you love them and care for them so I thought adding the sanitiser was a good reminder especially with the current situation," he said when speaking to Rojak Daily.

Ben added that the response has been good so far with many using it to remind their loved ones to sanitise their hands.

"We knew a hand sanitiser supplier and we thought, why not just incorporate it with our current product," he said adding that flower deliveries were still allowed at the moment.

Flowericious currently only has that one design but Ben said that depending on the situation, they may come up with additional creations in the future.

If you love this idea, we've got a poem that you could use for the card.

Roses are red,
Sanitisers are cool,
Protect yourself against Covid,
Spray,spray on hand k boo!

Ok, we suck at poems!

On a more serious note, keep washing / sanitising your hands ya people.

Let's beat COVID-19 together!