We don't mean to be rude, but this 'robbery' case is pretty darn bizzare.

A woman in Uttar Pradesh, India recently lost her life savings after an eagle flew out of nowhere and attacked her before flying away with her hard-earned money.

According to a report by Tamil Nesan (which was translated by The Star Online), the woman had reportedly withdrawn 20,000 rupees (about RM1,300) for her daughter's wedding ceremony and was heading home when the incident happened.

An eagle then reportedly flew out of nowhere and attacked the poor woman. After a brief struggle, the eagle then fled the scene with the woman's purse.

The woman and bystanders, who were probably stunned by what they just witnessed, couldn't do a thing as the eagle flew home with more money it has ever seen in its entire free-flying life.

But wait; there's a happy ending to the story though.

After the woman's story was highlighted in the local media, a kind-hearted US businessman reportedly got in touch with the local police station to locate the woman.

The businessman reportedly gave the woman and her family the amount they needed to pay for the wedding.

Meanwhile, the eagle is still at large.