
Former COVID-19 Patient Donates RM150,000 To Help Other Patients

RD Minion
07:12 MYT
The COVID-19 pandemic has not been easy on many, more so on those who've been directly affected by the pandemic.
One former patient understood the struggles of dealing with the issue and decided to help out by donating RM150,000 to the COVID-19 fund to help in the fight against the deadly virus.

A donation from the heart

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, on his Facebook, said that he was proud to receive the aid from a former patient.
The patient, UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA) board of director and lawyer Rosli Dahlan, made the donation on behalf of Yayasan NAMA.
"In early March, UDA was one of the worse hit GLC (government-linked company) when few of its top management tested positive for COVID-19. They were quarantined in the hospital, mostly at Sungai Buloh Hospital, which specialises in infectious diseases.
"UDA was generous enough to contribute towards the upgrade of quarantine wards in several hospitals to deal with the possible increase in cases in mid-April," the prime minister wrote on his Facebook page.
He added that several UDA staff, who were also former patients, are also involved in blood serum vaccine programme.
"If this project is a success, they will be saviours," he said.
He added that if the whole world could fight COVID-19, he believes that Malaysians could too.
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