Goodbye White School Shoes, Students Will Soon Wear Black Shoes Only
If you’ve spent 11 years of your life constantly having to wash your school shoes and chalk them every week and try your best to get them dried and ready in time, we understand your struggle very well.
Well, those days will soon be over for this generation as the government has announced that all students will have to wear black shoes effective 2019.
Education Minister Dr. Maszlee Malik says that the new ruling came after he received numerous complaints from parents to change their children’s school shoes from white to black as it was hard to maintain them.

Apart from the move to change the colour of school shoes, the ministry is looking at ways to ensure that student’s school bags are lighter and also to improve the public school curriculum to be on par as international schools.
So parents, what do you think of this decision? Will it be burdensome or will it make you and your children’s lives easier?
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