What do you usually do with the plastic rice bags after it's empty?

Creative use for an empty bag of rice.

We are sure you guys would throw them away, right?

Next time, don’t throw them away.

Give them away to this group of Orang Asli women instead.

The group turns discarded items, including your empty rice bags into functional bags.

Reuse, recycle

According to a report by Malay Mail, this is the latest initiative by the Making Orang Asli Mothers Independent (Moami) group.

Moami volunteer Carrol Lawrence said the bags are made by Orang Asli women at Kampung Tekir in Labu, Negeri Sembilan.

Prior to the Movement Control Order, the group used to make conference bags, but now they have changed to grocery bags instead.

How does it work?

All you have to do is to send Moami between three and five bags, or about 1kg of empty plastic rice bags.

Once completed, the finished product will be mailed back to you.

It's as simple as that.

Green fashion.The women charge between RM5 and RM10 to sew one bag based on the size and customisation.

Carrol said the women use an industrial sewing machine that was donated to them to sew the bags.

Interested? Check out Moami's Facebook page by clicking here.

They also have loads of other items for sale there. #kitajagakita